Regulatory & Governance

Laws around PII, privacy, and fairness are far-reaching and complicated. See how HumanGraphics makes things simpler.


Always be ready to prove fairness with data

If your business processes or models make or influence decisions about credit, housing, education, employment, or a variety of other regulated topics, then you need to be prepared to prove their fairness with data. HumanGraphics can provide the required demographic data for this type of analysis.

Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Fair Housing Act
Title IX
Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Navigate the emerging right to privacy

Your customers deserve their right to privacy, and regulation now requires it. But which regulations apply to which customer? Is your business prepared to comply with all laws? What about PII? HumanGraphics can help your business achieve compliance.

Structure unstructured location data
Determine which regulations apply
Replace PII with Demographic Profiles
GDPR Compliant
Age Gating

Trust User Age - But Verify

Industry regulations place requirements on marketing, advertisement, and consumption of goods to certain age groups. Protect your business and your customers by verifying age using demographic profiles when data is available.

Food & Beverage
Car Rental
Some Websites

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